What We Do

Energy Codes

Nationally-known energy code advocates, promoting the use of state-of-the-art technologies to construct high performance homes and buildings. Troubleshoot energy code issues for product manufacturers and serve as an information resource to building departments on energy code compliance and enforcement.  Monitor codes development for client opportunities or threats.

Market Transformation

Analyze, develop and execute appropriate communication avenues to construction industry, non-profits and government agencies in response to anticipated paradigm shifts in the marketplace. Build government/industry coalitions to affect change. Work with builders, engineers, manufacturers and utility representative to identify barriers and solutions to efficient product/design implementation.

Product Development and Placement

Work with private industry seeking to understand, excel in and develop product for the energy efficiency and green building sectors. Analyze product placement and potentials within codes and above-code programs. Make recommendations on how to expand market share as well as identify product improvements to respond to emerging energy efficiency and green building trends for residential and commercial applications.